Telehealth Case Management


Various circumstances can lead patients to not having access to in-person medical appointments.  These can include the inability to travel, home-bound patients, inconvenience of appointment times and access to medical care in remote areas.  Tele-health visits can address these challenges and make medical care accessible to everyone.

Telehealth Case Managers can assist patients in scheduling appointments, scheduling diagnostic tests, and discuss medical concerns and treatment plans with medical providers.

Telehealth case management can assure that no appointments are missed, therefore having better outcomes.  ECM case managers work with medical provider offices and inpatient facilities to utilize video conferencing through various platforms.  Our case managers may also “tour” outpatient and rehabilitation facilities with families to coordinate appropriate sub-acute placement.

Telehealth services are also beneficial for COVID 19 follow-ups and tracing.  Our case managers are experienced interviewers who are able to ask appropriate medical questions and offer answers to many questions that patients may have about COVID 19.  All of our case managers have received additional training in COVID 19 related to diagnosis, exposure, and medical treatment.

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